5 Wearable Orange Lipsticks for $13 or less

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This guest post was written by Nadège of Atomic Beauté. You can also find Nadège on Twitter and Facebook.

Wearing Victoria’s secret Lipstick in Cabana

The whole world’s obsessed with orange these days! — and by “world,” I mean the fashion and beauty industries. since Pantone named Tangerine Tango the “Color of the Year,” I haven’t gone two seconds without seeing orange strut down a red carpet somewhere, or grace the pages of a magazine, or pose on a store shelf. Orange is an underrated, bold color, and many people don’t believe they can pull it off.


But they can! here are five (non-limited edition) wearable orange lipsticks under $13 that are sure to work on any skin tone.

(In all of these pics, I’m wearing Sephora + Pantone Universe’s Apricot Brandy blush.)

1. Victoria’s secret Lipstick in Cabana ($13)

Cabana is a sheer, coral-orange lipstick with gorgeous specks of gold and staying power of about two hours. It just gives lips a subtle pop of color.


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2. Milani Lipstick in Bonfire ($5.49)

Wearing Milani Lipstick in Bonfire

Bonfire, a dark burnt orange, is perfect when you want to wear orange out on a warm summer night.

3. NYX Lipstick in NYX ($4)

Wearing NYX Lipstick in NYX ($4)

NYX is a bright, frosty orange. I love how bright it is, but for me it’s the most difficult of these to apply.

4. Revlon super Lustrous Lipstick in Abstract Orange ($8)

Wearing Revlon super Lustrous Lipstick in Abstract Orange

Abstract Orange, a new super Lustrous Lipstick, is also a burnt orange, but I think it’s sheerer than Milani’s Bonfire.

Staying power is about three hours for me, which is pretty good considering how sheer it is.

5. Revlon super Lustrous Lipstick in siren ($8)

Wearing Revlon super Lustrous Lipstick in Siren

Oh, Siren… When I first picked this up, it appeared very bright in the tube, and siren is bright, but it’s understated at the same time.

It’s a terrific bright orange that doesn’t yell for everyone to look at you because you’re wearing orange lipstick. I love this shade.

I hope you try at least one of these five oranges, and if you find one you like, let me know!

Tangerine Mango Smoothie


During the summer months, I like to relax with a smoothie after a long day, and in honor of The color of the Year, this smoothie is called “Tangerine Mango.”

To make it you’ll need…

Mango chunks (real mangoes are perfect, but if you live in the Midwest like me, they’re hard to come by this early in the season)

100% real orange juice

6 oz. vanilla non-fat yogurt

5 tangerines

Buz küpleri

Directions: peel all five tangerines, and place them in the blender with the ice cubes. Then, add the frozen orange juice to the blender, along with the mango chunks and the full 6 oz. of yogurt. blend to a nice froth, and enjoy!

yazar hakkında
This guest post was written by Nadège of Atomic Beauté. You can also find Nadège on Twitter and Facebook.

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